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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas Break Part 1

First off for my loyal followers, lol, let me say I'm sorry for the lapse of posts. I've been spending my free moments with my nose in books. I've gotten through the Green Mile, pregnancy books in-between and now I'm reading Wicked. No excuses though, I'll be happy to forget those books one day in exchange for a log of my life before, planning for, and anticipating my first child. So I'm going to pretend it's the holidays and catch you up. In fact hold please, Sounds of the Season On demand television would be an appropriate music choice.

So we had a wonderful Christmas break. One week together, with both families, and lots of friends. First to the house of calories A.K.A. my mom and dad's house for a little relaxation and lots of love. We went to a Christmas party where I had baby bump envy, because there was a woman there ready to pop. I desired to not just look fat but instead pregnant but I supressed that want because I know I'll have my time when I can't see my feet, need help getting up, and feel a foot in my ribs on occasion. It was a wonderful four days, got to see a good friend and her family, exercised with mom, watched lifetime Christmas movies, and ate my favorite feast, seafood. As usual seeing my mommy was a necessary recharge from several months away from that person who's loved me since I made my debut on this earth. I can only hope that my baby feels the same way one day!

Merry Christmas!

Tasha and Mel

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