Baby's Growing

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Are you just saying that?

That's the quote of the week.  We had our third doctor's appointment yesterday.  Many people call it "The scary appointment."  They're looking for early markers of Downs Syndrome, Spina bifida, and several other disorders.  I was a little nervous but we said our prayers and I knew it was in God's hands not ours.  So we go in and Button, that's Boo's new temporary name, wasn't cooperating.  Button was asleep, which is so cute isn't it.  The nurse said this is a stubborn baby and sent us back to the waiting room to see if the baby would wake up.

10 minutes later, Button was ready for the show.  Awake, behaving, showing off a healthy nose and neck that the nurse said were both good signs.  In fact she said "this is very good!", to which Tarik replied...."Are you just saying that?"  I laughed, the nurse said of course not, and we collectively breathed another sigh of relief. 

My heart does go out to mothers who don't get such good news.  I don't think I've ever worried so much in my life...but that's "life" right!

Here are the latest pictures of the star of the show!

All of Button's organs and body parts are developed!

Just Chilling, maxing and relaxing   

The baby is officially the size of a peach, 2.9 inches and growing stronger everyday! Go baby, go baby go!


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