Baby's Growing

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The secret is out...

Since the last doctor's appointment was such a success it's time to tell the world we're pregnant.   And because this child has two parents on the news the world is an overstatement but it's not far fetched.  We'd figured out a plan to break the news during the 8am hour of the Morning Show.  A very ambitious, excited producer wanted to do it much bigger than I thought it deserved but I went along with the grandiose agenda of big baby breaking news!  It would be fun mainly because I was sharing the news with my TV family, who has really grown on me over the years.  They drive you crazy like family but in the end you love them and really would do most things for them.

So at the top of the hour we throw up a sonogram picture with button doing his/her thing, and the fun begins.   Huge surprise except for the people who swore they knew...which was everyone on Facebook and a few co-workers.  Nevertheless the secret is officially out and I can breathe a big belly sigh of relief!

We're out!

No more belts, no more Spanx, no more saying "boy am I getting fat" and "I sure am bloated today!"  That's not bloat that's a baby!!

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